
We’ve made it to summer! After a long school year, it’s finally summer and it’s time to relax, catch up with friends, and make the most of being out of school.

If you don’t have any summer plans yet, you could pick up a new skill this summer.

  • Take a graphic design course.

    • Although you may not be an aspiring graphic designer, knowing how to make graphics is useful. You could design your own personal website or change up your social media posts.

  • Learn how to code.

    • Learning how to code is becoming an increasingly valuable skill in today's world, regardless of one's profession or interests. Use coding to automate annoying computer tasks or use it to make a game!

  • Start playing an instrument.

    • It won’t sound like music to anyone’s ears when you first begin, but playing an instrument could be a good way to help you destress when things get tough. Take some time over the summer to start your musical journey.

Whatever you decide to do this summer, make sure to take some time for yourself and recharge your batteries. The break from school is a great opportunity to pursue your interests and try new things. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Who knows, you may discover a new passion that will stay with you for years to come. Enjoy the summer!