Maximize your chances to win scholarships today!

College is quite costly and financial aid may not be enough to fund your college expenses so you should start applying for scholarships now! Here are some tips:

Apply to local scholarships

Although you should try to apply to as many scholarships as you can, the ones you have the most chance of are your local scholarships, such as those provided by your school, church, community, etc. These scholarships would have less competition and you might end up being the recipient! Though the prize value wouldn’t be much as compared to bigger scholarships, they’ll stack up. 

Browse through Scholarship Websites

If you’re asking yourself where you could look for scholarships, try the following sites: 

Don’t just click to enter

When you simply just click to submit for a scholarship, your chances are really slim because of the high competition from everyone also just clicking the submit button. Sure you could do some just to try out your luck, but also make sure to apply to scholarships where it involves some work, such as short essays, letters of recommendation, creating pieces of art or videos, etc. These extra requirements already guarantee that not as many people will apply, and that would result in you having more chances of winning that scholarship. Additionally, filter scholarships that match your specific background and interests so it could be more unique to you.

Look at past winners

If you want to win the scholarship, of course, check if you’re meeting all of the requirements, but also see if there’s a page with past winners. Not only can you get a bit of inspiration, but it also gives you a sense of how the submissions are being reviewed and how the winner’s being chosen.

Format your Scholarship Essay 

Don’t just restate the scholarship prompt. Instead, treat it as a story with a hook that would entice the judges’ attention to keep reading. Additionally, try to relate some of the concepts and your experiences with the values of the organizations. Taking these simple steps will make your application stronger. 

Don’t forget to apply for scholarships! Good luck!