Goodbye July, Hello August: To all incoming juniors

To all the incoming juniors, as the summer is starting to wind it is time to begin planning for the incoming school year starting with the SAT.

In the past couple years, many schools did not require the SAT. For example, incoming seniors do not need the SAT and there are some schools such as all schools in the University of California system that have gotten rid of the SAT altogether. However, as more people are adjusting to the after effects of COVID-19, some schools will once again begin requiring the SAT.

Although you may not have a list of colleges that you want to apply for at the moment and therefore, wouldn’t be able to tell if you need the SAT, consider taking the SAT in case one of the schools you hope to attend will require the SAT; because if you realize that you need to take SAT by the time you choose your colleges and research their requirements, the amount of time to study for the SAT may be limited.

Begin your journey studying for the SAT at Khan Academy. College Board, the creator of the SAT tests, has partnered with Khan Academy to offer personalized practice and full length practice tests for free online. Additionally, if you link your Khan Academy SAT sessions to your College Board account, you will have a chance at being awarded College Board’s Big Future scholarship. So incoming juniors start making an SAT study plan and scheduling your SAT!