#WorldBookDay: "Telling the Real Story: 50 Authentic Personal Statements"

Happy World Book Day to all the avid readers out there!

In celebration of this day, we’d like to recommend “Telling the Real Story: 50 Authentic Personal Statements” by 4S Founder and CEO, Dr. Phil Chase!

What’s “Telling the Real Story” about?

“Telling the Real Story” is a collection of 50 college admission essays that have helped students gain acceptances into some of the top universities in the nation. These essays were specially chosen from a pool of over 1000 essays written by students under Dr. Chase’s mentorship.

who should purchase this book?

  • If you’re a high school student planning to apply to college, THIS IS THE BOOK YOU NEED to craft your own amazing college admission essay!

  • If you’re a college student who’d like inspiration in writing more creative personal essays, you need this book!

  • If you’re a parent or guardian with college-bound kids, this book is a wonderful resource for their college applications and college career!

How can I get this book?

To get a copy of this book, simply donate $24.99 or more by clicking the button below. All proceeds from the book will go toward funding the 4S Education Foundation’s mentorship program.

The BEST PART: By purchasing this book, you’ll be partnering with us to help students from all backgrounds improve their opportunities in higher education!

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to read some of the finest work ever produced by college applicants. Click the button below to donate $24.99 or more!