An aspect of our Foundation: Access to Higher Education

The 4S Education Foundation focuses on granting students accessibility and opportunity to high school students. As a nonprofit organization and college prep program, we share a common goal with our students: to help better their future through access to education. 

What exactly do we do for our cohorts?

Mentors: Each high school senior in the cohort is paired up with a mentor to guide them along the college application process. All of our mentors are qualified and have gone through the experience themselves so they know what it’s like. They meet one on one with their student and make it a comfortable, learning, and rewarding space.  Additionally, they make a plan from having a college list to peer-editing and reviewing your essays. This allows the mentees to not be scared and feel lonely during this pivotal process.

Scholarship Opportunities: We have a wide arrange and a long list of scholarships and resources to spread to our students, both local and big scholarships. Additionally, we give a scholarship to each student after they’re done with the program to cover some of their needs/wants, including books, a backpack, etc. With this scholarship, some financial burden may be lifted. 

Network: Our director and mentors have lots of experience and knowledge in specific subjects that they’re more than happy to give advice on. If our students want to know about a specific major or have questions about career paths, then our mentors could help alleviate their worries and concerns. It’s a safe and comfortable space where we share our vast knowledge and experiences.

This is just a bit of what our foundation does to make higher education more accessible to our students. Previous cohorts who have graduated are also grateful for this opportunity and we are thankful that they have trusted us to help them as well.