What makes 4SED unique?

Here from one of our former 4S Scholars and current 4S Social Media and Marketing Team Lead:

Getting help could be intimidating, especially when asking for help from someone much older. I’m a nervous wreck in the classroom when asking my teachers for help. I fear that teachers are thinking in their mind, “Gosh, this is what the future generation looks like? This student can’t even solve this simple problem.” They may not have been thinking that in their minds but there were times when I couldn’t bring myself to ask questions because of how intimidating I thought my teachers were. That’s why when I was first assigned my mentor for the 4SED program, I was nervous. I was setting myself up to hear the feedback from a mentor who would judge my writing.

However, my fears were quickly put aside. My mentor was a college student three years older than I was. Because we were close in age, it was easy to talk to her and she felt like a friend. Every time I met with her, we could talk about school and incoming exams. Our meetings were relaxed and it wasn’t scary asking for help when I needed it. When my mentor didn’t know the answer, she would ask fellow mentors and see if they knew the answer. This to me is what makes 4SED unique.

The fact that I was working with people my age who just recently went through the college application process made me feel supported and understood. 4SED has an amazing student network, meaning that many of them understand the difficulties during the college application process.

Hope you enjoyed hearing from Hayley about her experience as part of the 4S Education Foundation Mentorship program! To participate in our mentorship program, you can apply on our website (4Sedfoundation.org).