Congratulations to the Class of 2022 and Class of 2023!

We just celebrated our 4S Scholars of 2022 and 2023! Congratulations to our newly graduated Scholars - we are excited to see you all start college and all the amazing things you'll do.

And, congrats to all our new 4s scholars for the upcoming college application cycle! During this next month you will have orientation and get in touch with your mentors. Your mentors will work with you in laying out a schedule and a general time to meet with you about college applications.

As summer is quickly passing, keep in mind that you should begin to start researching schools that you would like to apply to. Refer back to yesterday's post for a list of things to consider when starting to think about colleges. Once you have a general list of colleges that you want to apply to, research their application questions. List any and all experiences that you think are relevant to the question. Don’t disregard any experience! Once you have the list of different possible topics that could answer a specific college application question, take a break for a couple days and come back to the list. Review your list and start narrowing down. See what experiences you have strong feelings about and can write about. 

If you aren't sure about the specific universities yet, no worries. You can still start thinking about college application topics too! Many college application questions are similar and can be reused. Princeton Review lists a couple common essay prompts. Some are:

  • Reflect on your hobby or a niche experience that is unique to you.  

  • Think of a time your personal beliefs were challenged. Explain what this says about you.

  • Pick a topic of your choice.

If you want more possible essay topics to consider, follow this link to the Princeton Review for more suggestions.