COVID-19 and Its Impact on Student Mental Health

Various research groups have been studying the long term effects of COVID-19. Today, we’ll look at a graph analyzing the impact of the virus on college students' mental health.

Conducted by Penn State, a recent study of nearly 50,000 students seeking mental health services found that COVID-19 had negatively impacted multiple areas of their lives.

Academic distress appears to be a key driver in seeking mental-health care during COVID-19, which may represent a broader experience of distress caused by academic worry. - Center for Collegiate Mental Health, Penn State

Additionally, the study found that about 1/3 of new clients sought mental health services due to COVID-19, with a majority of students requesting services for reasons other than the virus. It appeared that COVID-19 wasn’t universally causing mental health distress. Actually, the driving force was the students’ perception, belief, or experience of COVID-19 that negatively impacted their mental health.

Overall, it’s vital for colleges to recognize and prepare for the challenges students may face as they struggle with the long term effects of the pandemic.

Read about How the Pandemic Affected the College Admissions Process.

At 4S, we understand the importance of mental health. Please reach out to any one of our many amazing mentors if you ever need someone to talk to. We are here for you.