What makes life beautiful?

There’s so much in life to be grateful and be happy about! In this blog post, I’ll be answering “What makes life beautiful?” I will also give a few advice on the steps an individual can take to make their life more beautiful as well as others lives. 

What makes life beautiful?


The people that you surround yourself with could be a source for your happiness. Whether it be your friends, family, or even strangers, the connections and interactions made with people could be very comforting when you’re in a good and happy mood, or even a sad one. At least one person will be there for you, cheer you up, and make your day better. They also contribute to the memories that you will cherish forever!

Endless Possibilities

There’s so much to life and life is what you make out of it! It’s a learning process where you could live and learn, explore your curiosities and new ideas, and overall, do things that you want to do. Yes, there could be some barriers, but those could be the reason that makes it more beautiful and rewarding!


The ability to feel, especially when it comes to positive emotions! Whenever I’m happy, I get so much more excited for my day and get motivated to do my tasks. That radiating energy also spreads around to the people around me, just like how smiles are contagious. Even when we’re not feeling happy and we’re feeling the opposite, it is still good to feel that way because it shows how we’re human. Additionally, expressing our emotions is therapeutic and good for the soul!


Your environment could play a big part towards your happiness and perception of life. The places you go to or want to go to are beautiful! Whether you love the rural area of farmhouses or the urban areas of big cities, there’s a beauty in them that can make your life beautiful and fulfilling! 

And so much more makes life beautiful!

Here is a brief and short list of how to make your life and other people’s lives more beautiful: romanticize your life, make a bucket list, scrapbook,  journal your day, have a to-do list that you can check off every day, compliment and say something nice to others, do a helpful deed, text a friend (bonus points if it’s someone you haven’t caught up with recently),  and spread kindness.