Some Insightful Words From Zendaya!

“If you don’t try things and take risks, you don’t really grow and figure out what you want.” These are wise words from a popular actress and celebrity that you may all know: Zendaya.

This quote serves as a great motivation to everyone. Not only does this apply to the youth but adults as well. A lot of this can be interpreted as getting out of your comfort zone and making sure that you are taking an inch or step every day to be more comfortable with being uncomfortable. Ironic, isn’t it? But it’s so true. We can’t learn, develop, and grow if we stay in one constant place. 

Getting out of your comfort zone could be scary, but know that everyone has their own pace of getting comfortable. It could be slow for you and fast for someone else, but at the end of the day, it’s all about focusing on yourself and not comparing yourself to others. Take one step at a time. That’s how you can see your own personal growth. It may also seem lonely, doubtful, and scary to find what’s out there, but know that you won’t feel alone after you cross that path because you’ll grow and find others who are growing too.

It doesn’t just have to be regarding your extracurricular and academic life. It could be towards your mental and physical health, as well as boosting your self-confidence. Some examples could include speaking up for yourself when the fast food worker accidentally got your order wrong, asking someone in the gym how to correctly lift weights, and more. Additionally, stepping out of your comfort zone could help you find your passions, improve and express your character, and give you an insight into what you want to be in the future.

So apply for that club position. Apply for that job. Volunteer to speak in front of an audience. Take on a project. Get out of your comfort zone and be the best that you can be.