The Importance of Women's History Month

Women’s History Month occurs every year in March. Why do we celebrate and have a whole month dedicated to them annually? 

Women are very important in our society every day and even date back to the beginning of time. For example, there are our mothers. Not only do they birth us, but they’re there as a support system, and help us live during our first few months and years. Additionally, we have to recognize all the amazing feats that women brought even despite facing hardships, including sexism, misogyny, and unequal rights. Originally, women didn’t even have the right to vote. Celebrating Women’s History Month is important because as a society, we have to reflect back on all of their bravery and efforts, which is also crucial in forming better policies and reform for certain systems and governments that don’t focus on women's equality. 

Florence Nightingale dedicated her life to becoming a war-hero nurse. Kamala Harris became the first Black and South Asian Vice President of the U.S.A. while also being the first female Vice President. Malala Yousafzai fought and risked her life for the education of women in Pakistan. 

In this article, Amazing Achievements by Women Every Year for the Last 50 Years, you could learn more about historical and impactful moments or works that women have done. 

Sometimes we get so caught up with reality that we forget to take a moment and reflect on the importance of women and their historical and current accomplishments in our lives.