Tips from One of our Mentors!

Feeling tired or burnt out, but still feeling the pressures of staying productive? This blog post can help!

Today, we have Hayley Chang, one of our 4Sed Mentors, share one of her favorite tips: 

“This is sorta counterintuitive but my tip is knowing when to stop studying. Sacrificing sleep and/or not realizing when I’ve lost focus has caused me to lose a ton of time. If you realize that you’re not focusing, do something that will help you reset. I go outside to work out, make a snack or take a shower to list a few things that I do to help me refresh and find my study zone again.”

Oftentimes, we find ourselves stuck in the working/productivity zone, whether it be pulling an all-nighter in the library or neglecting a healthy sleeping schedule with enough hours. It is so easy to get in this zone and stack responsibilities and items on your to-do list. However, as Hayley mentioned, it’s okay to stop studying, at least for a little bit, and it’s vital to know when. For example, when I open up my laptop to read assigned articles or papers, sometimes it takes a few seconds for me to adjust to the screen and properly see the words. 

Remember to notice the signs your body and mind give to take it slow and take a break! And it’s different for everyone, so if you have other hobbies that take your mind off the sorta toxic study zone, do it! And then you can groove back into your study zone and be productive again, but this time with healthy habits in place. 

Happy studying and good luck everyone!