5 Tips for College Touring

It might seem a little early to start thinking about college, but the deadlines will sneak up on you. That’s why it’s time to start narrowing down what colleges you want to apply to now. Come up with a list of best fit universities by reading our previous blog post which goes over how to pick the best fit for you.

Once you’ve researched the schools online, it’s time to do a little more sleuthing by planning college visits. Here are 5 tips to having a successful college tour.

  1. Tour the campus while class is in session. “The best way to get a feel for the campus vibe is to plan your visit while the current students are at school.”

  2. Try the school dining food. Many schools have freshman live on campus their first year and make them pay for a dining plan to go along with living on campus. Check to see if their dining options match your diet.

  3. Take notes. There’s a lot of information the college tour guides toss out. Write down the pros and cons of each campus. There’s a lot to remember so make it easy on yourself and write down important details you think will help you decide on the college. However, don’t worry about writing down every detail. “Visiting the school is about getting an impression, about breathing in the surroundings. Look for what you cannot learn online. This is a moment to listen more and talk less.”

  4. Talk to the students on campus. Get more opinions that the college tour guides opinion. Their job is to show you the best of campus, but it’s important to here an unfiltered student perspective.

  5. Explore the area. Do you see yourself going off campus and enjoying city life? If you like going out, see if the town is what you envision on weekend nights for the next four years.